How to connect your computer to your PS3 - CNET

How can I hook up a PS3 to a computer monitor? | Yahoo Answers Jan 02, 2009 Can I play my PS3 on my computer monitor? | Yahoo Answers Dec 30, 2012 Use your TV as a computer monitor: Everything you need to Mar 12, 2020 What wires are needed to hook up a PS3 to a monitor

How to Use a Laptop Monitor for a PS3 | Our Pastimes

If you want to use your laptop screen for things you do on your PS3, then you will need a male HDMI to male USB cable. Hook the HDMI to the PS3, and the USB to the laptop. You could also do the opposite by switching the cord around. Can you hook up a ps3 to a computer monitor? These two cables will be what you use to connect your console.

Your PS3 can hook to HDMI or (DVI to HDM) convertor cord to monitor, the sound wont go thru the PC monitor bcuz PC monitors and sound are not connected, but you can use a red and white composite

You can connect your Chromebook to a monitor or TV with an HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, or VGA port. Sometimes you need an adapter cable to do this. To learn what type of cable you need, check the instructions included with your Chromebook. Find the display output and input ports on your Chromebook. Dec 09, 2014 · If you're looking to hook up a Playstation 2 directly to a computer monitor, I think that adapter may be useful. Assuming you have the Playstation 2 component cable, which goes to that component-to-vga adapter, and then a VGA cable to go from that adapter to the monitor.