Sep 22, 2018 · en este vídeo Vamos a configurar un router linksys wifi (cisco) desde cero iniciando por los parámetros de IP wan modificando los valores de MTU asignando dirección IP local al router

May 04, 2010 · Basically, you’ll need to disable its router function, DHCP. I would also assign it a static IP address within the range of your current router. For instance, if the linksys has an IP address of, maybe make the second router Assign the second router a familiar SSID, so you know it’s your router. Nov 11, 2014 · Hello.I'm adding an old Linksys WRT54G to my home network as an access point to get a stronger signal at the end of the house. I've read about 6 other posts on how to do this so still probs. When I change the second router ip address to (the primary router is set up with a DHCP range Every device on an IP-based network, including PCs, print servers, and routers, requires an IP address to identify its “location,” or address, on the network. This applies to both the Internet and LAN connections. this User Guide, you’ll see references to the “Internet IP address” and seen from the Internet for your network is the Setting static route: Linksys WRT54G - Cisco 2514 I have a single cable internet connection through Comcast which I have split with a switch so I could have 1 IP and my roommate could have one. The purpose is that we both need access to the same ports. Apr 19, 2007 · The Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router is one of the most common 802.11g devices deployed. A favorite of everyone from Linux fans to Windows users, here's a look inside what powers this ubiquitous device.

Aug 10, 2019 · Go back to the main Router page, set the local IP address to an unused address on the original router's network. I set mine to the highest number in my network: This puts the access point "out of the way", so to speak.

Connect the PC to a LAN port of the Linksys Router. And again: ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /all Now default gateway it the Linksys Routers ip address. In web browser type in the ip address of the Linksys Router, login to the web interface of the Linksys Router and make the configuration for the Linksys Router.

Connect a computer to the WRT54G and use a web browser to log in to it. (Device default IP address Default user name blank and password "admin". ) Change the configuration of the WRT54G as follows: Under Settings/Basic Settings, turn the DHCP server off. CLICK THE Save Settings BUTTON.

Connect WRT54G to PC Connect your PC and WRT54G using an Ethernet cable and then power on both devices. Login Type on the browser address bar and press enter. Now enter the details below. User Name: --- [No user name] Password : admin; Change Domain Name System Server On the basic setup page under Setup, you can see two lines for Hmm, how is that possible if all the systems on my LAN are connected to the Linksys via it's DHCP ( network? My router is only getting a dynamic IP address from AT&T's servers, even May 04, 2010 · Basically, you’ll need to disable its router function, DHCP. I would also assign it a static IP address within the range of your current router. For instance, if the linksys has an IP address of, maybe make the second router Assign the second router a familiar SSID, so you know it’s your router.