
Apr 29, 2020 · How to Traceroute. This wikiHow teaches you how to run a "traceroute" command on your computer or smartphone. The "traceroute" command allows you to track the different stops an IP packet makes between your computer and its destination, Aug 13, 2003 · Simply, these are the examples of the commands used to view the routing table in Solaris. netstat -r Optionally, to prevent reverse dns lookups which may slow down the execution of the command: netstat -rn Creating the Interface was no Problem, but pinging in 192.168.120.x doesnt work. So I Added a route( aggr2) and recognised that Solaris automatically created a route for this Interface( aggr2) where the Gateway is the IP of the Server (clearly not what I want) which I am not able to delete! Mar 23, 2010 · The Solaris route command enables manual manipulation of the route table. The routing table contains a list of networks that the router knows it can send packets to, and states over which link to send the packets. AIX also has "traceroute" command, on Solaris if you have a quad ethernet (qfe0,qfe1,qfe2,qfe3) Solaris at boot will use /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname.qfeX (X=0 to 3), to configure them, so you should create files if they don't exist, i.e if your qfe0 will be hostname "myhost-qfe0" with ip do the following:

Solaris Networking - Clemson

solaris ssh乱码-云栖社区-阿里云 2017-11-9 · ssh远程solaris10,提示乱码 # ls --help ls: Ƿ ѡ -- help ÷ ls -1RaAdCxmnlhogrtuvVcpFbqisfHLeE@ [ ļ ] 我用的是putty,选择了utf-8字符集,同时安装solaris时选择了 … Daemons that are responsible for adding dynamic routes that are currently bundled/supported with Solaris are /usr/sbin/in.routed (Routing Information Protocol(RIP)) and /usr/sbin/in.rdisc (Router Network Discovery Protocol). Using command line. To add a non-persistent route we just simple use route add command without the option -p. Starting from Solaris 10 11/06 (that means from 2006) Sun provided a simpler and more elegant solution of this important problem via option -p of the route command. From the route(1M) man page: -p -- Make changes to the network route tables persistent across system restarts.

Creating the Interface was no Problem, but pinging in 192.168.120.x doesnt work. So I Added a route( aggr2) and recognised that Solaris automatically created a route for this Interface( aggr2) where the Gateway is the IP of the Server (clearly not what I want) which I am not able to delete!

solaris 10静态IP、静态路由和DNS解析配置-滴水穿 … 2010-8-25 · 在Solaris 10操作系统上配置IP地址,很简单的配置,但是比较实用。适合常规项目的简单静态IP地址配置。虽然很简单,不过以前没有注意到添加静态路由的方法,今天实践了一下,记录存档。 操作系统默认安装时只激活网卡bge0,需要激活bge1配置静态IP。