PRESS vs the NSA | America’s Surveillance State (Edward Snowden) | EP3 | Technology Documentary. In a country that describes itself as a democracy and the leader of the free world it’s an enormous problem for the government to know more about the people than the people know about what the government’s doing. But since the terrorist

'Citizenfour': Documentary shows Snowden reunited with Edward Snowden is not "skulking" in a secret Russian bunker but is living an ordinary life in Moscow with his longtime girlfriend, Lindsay Mills. “Citizenfour,” a documentary about the whistleblower, premiered Friday at the New York Film Festival. Accused CIA leaker Joshua Schulte 'thought Edward Snowden Feb 06, 2020 Citizenfour - Edward Snowden Documentary Film (2014) - HBO The Haystack documentary, is a real life investigation into 21st century surveillance in the UK and the Investigatory Powers (IP) Bill currently before Parliament. In light of Snowden’s revelations in 2013, both privacy groups and our government agree that the laws surrounding surveillance need to be updated, but public debate and examination

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Before Snowden fled (his passport soon to be revoked by U.S. authorities), The Guardian and The Washington Post revealed that he was the source of the massive national security revelations. His story was portrayed in the Oscar-winning documentary Citizenfour and in the Oliver Stone film Snowden. PRESS vs the NSA | America's Surveillance State (Edward