Sep 10, 2015

6 Reasons for Internet Censorship - Cleverism Oct 30, 2017 Why is Censorship Good? - Why Guides The final reason why censorship is wrong is that it takes away part of what makes human beings human. When information is suppressed, our views are limited to one point. People turn into blind followers. In this setting, the individual is nothing more than a robot made to obey.

Reporters Without Borders also concerns itself with Internet censorship, although the group's scope extends beyond Internet practices. The group maintains a list of "Internet enemies," countries that have the most severe Internet restrictions and policies in place [source: Reporters Without Borders]. The Censorware Project has been around since

Apr 20, 2018 Censorship Can Be Beneficial!

Is censorship good (yes) or bad (no)? |

Why Internet Censorship Is A Bad Idea YouTube will not be "over" in the next year, and neither will Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or any other social media platform. But, in the long run, I think censorship will prove to be nothing but unsuccessful and harmful both to users and the platform. The internet was special because it was a place free from government regulations. The Advantages Of Internet Censorship Media Essay Internet censorship can prevent unjustified defamation, limit internet violence and protect people’s life security. The censorship of internet can help to protect social stability and national safety. Since the internet censorship can help to curb the large number of illegal activities and internet crimes, it is good to the stability of society.