Aug 12, 2010 · ‘Most Dangerous Trojan Virus Ever’ Steals Over $1 Million By Ryan Fleming August 12, 2010 It is like the plot of a Hollywood movie, only the bad guys are definitely winning so far.

Feb 05, 2016 · Computer viruses have inundated the computer user for a long time now. Here are five most dangerous computer viruses of all time: 1. ILOVEYOU. This was perhaps the most dangerous computer virus ever created that in the form of a worm — it was a standalone program capable of replicating itself. Mar 31, 2018 · The word “Computer Virus” really scares all computer users. As we all know, Viruses can cause a lot of damage to the computer. It can hurt victims privacy, can access private files and can even corrupt the precious data which includes photos, videos, saved passwords, etc. Computer viruses have already caused many financial losses for many Feb 22, 2016 · ILOVEYOU is one of the most well-known and destructive viruses of all time. It’s been 15 years since ILOVEYOU was let loose on the internet. By today’s standards it’s a pretty tame virus, but in 2000 it was the most damaging malware event of all time. Likely, ILOVEYOU inspired many hackers to wield their keyboard as a weapon. ­­Computer viruses can be a nightmare. Some can wipe out the information on a hard drive, tie up traffic on a computer network for hours, turn an innocent machine into a zombie and replicate and send themselves to other computers. If you've never had a machine fall victim to a computer virus, you may wonder what the fuss is about. The virus adds a new file to registry keys, replaces the image files, and used to send the copies to all the email addresses specified in the Windows list. The Virus caused an estimated damage of around $15 billion. 5) Conficker. Conficker is a computer worm that first appeared in 2008.

May 30, 2017 · Adding to the injury, despite news channels across the world warning computer users of the virus, recipients clicked on it just to see if it was as bad as it was portrayed to be. ILOVEYOU entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most “virulent” virus of all time and resulted in over $15 billion in losses.

Jun 29, 2018 · Now just save this virus with .bat extension and execute it. 2. Format Harddisk of the Computer. It’s also one of the most dangerous Notepad Virus ever because it can directly format the Hard disk of the Victim’s computer by just a click. format C:/q /y. format D:/q /y. format E:/q /y. format F:/q /y. format G:/q /y. 3. Delete the entire

Currently this virus does not claim a lot of lives worldwide, but with the convenient traveling WHO estimated that 2.5 billion (two fifths of the world’s population) are at the risk of developing this fever. With its vicious behavior, this virus is 10th place among most dangerous viruses for your health. 9. Yellow Fever Virus

May 30, 2017 · Adding to the injury, despite news channels across the world warning computer users of the virus, recipients clicked on it just to see if it was as bad as it was portrayed to be. ILOVEYOU entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most “virulent” virus of all time and resulted in over $15 billion in losses. Dec 15, 2013 · The most harmful thing about this virus was that it could even delete your antivirus programs if they were installed in the same directories as mentioned in the worm’s code. It could also delete the entries of these antiviruses in Windows registry, so that you could not even run the antiviruses to next time.