The cryptography world has been buzzing with the news that researchers at Google and CWI Amsterdam have succeeded in successfully generating a 'hash collision' for two different documents using the SHA1 encryption algorithm, rendering the algorithm 'broken' according to cryptographic standards.

SHA-1 is broken. It’s been expected for a long time, now it’s finally happened: the research team from Marc Stevens at CWI Amsterdam teamed up with Google to create two files with the same SHA-1 hash.Hash functions like SHA-1 are an important building block of almost all cryptographic protocols. SHAttered SHA-1 Bruteforce 12,000,000 GPU 1 year SHA-1 Shattered 110 GPU 1 year MD5 1 smartphone 30 sec 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 SHA-1 compressions performed Attack complexity Backup System Version control (git) HTTPS certificate Document signature Potentially Impacted Systems 3713..42 SHA-1 Good doc 3713..42 SHA-1 Doc 2 3E2A..AE Bad doc SHA-1 42C1..21 hash - Is it possible to crack any SHA1 hashed password In reality, the vast majority of passwords can be broken, even most of the complex passwords. Above all, the difference is how long it takes to crack with specific hardware, whether it takes several months or a few seconds. With good password hashing schemes like Argon2 or Scrypt, cracking takes the longest, with SHA1 or MD5 the shortest. Google and Dutch Researchers Demonstrate Broken SHA-1 Web

In cryptography, why are MD5 and SHA1 called broken

Kind of! Sucessfull collision attacks have been performed. @isxbrokenyet Exploit Fully Breaks SHA-1, Lowers the Attack Bar | Threatpost

Feb 23, 2017

github - How to sove the error 'The remote end hung up Connection reset by port 22 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: sha1 file '' write error: Broken pipe error: failed to push some refs …