Nov 20, 2015 · Issue: After switching the SSD hard drive with a platter drive and moving the SSD to a different controller I started to have this issue. After moving mouse and system resuming from sleep, the system hangs or screen is black. I do get the Win sign on screen but both the mouse and keyboard stop functioning and only a hard reset works.

Windows 7 :: PC Freezes Minutes After Waking From Aug 14, 2009 Computer freezes after waking up from sleep. - Windows Feb 11, 2013

Windows 7 freezes for 1 minute after wakeup from sleep

Windows 7 does not go to sleep -®.com You may experience the following issues on a desktop or a notebook computer that is running Windows 7 when you try to put the computer to sleep: The computer wakes immediately after you put it to sleep. The computer randomly or unexpectedly wakes after sleep. The computer does not go to sleep. Instead, it … Windows 10 freezes after shut down/sleep/hibernate Aug 14, 2015

Windows 7 freezes for 1 minute after wakeup from sleep because of syncagentsrv. Thread needs solution So this helped to stop the freezing after Windows 8 sleep mode.

Windows 7 :: PC Freezes Minutes After Waking From Aug 14, 2009 Computer freezes after waking up from sleep. - Windows Feb 11, 2013 Fix hangs up after sleep - Windows 7 hangs after awoken from sleep. I'm having the same problem, did you find any solution? R61 hangs/freezes after waking from sleep. The mouse, during this time. problem. Thanks in advance Suddha Satta RayINDIA Nothing is responsive a minute or so.