Sep 16, 2016

Jul 07, 2014 · Consider the latest leak sourced to Edward Snowden from the perspective of his detractors. The National Security Agency's defenders would have us believe that Snowden is a thief and a criminal at Former Attorney General Eric Holder, who first wanted to see whistleblower Edward Snowden put in prison, now says the ex-NSA contractor did a “public service” by sparking a debate on government surveillance, but still insists Snowden should face trial. Nov 04, 2019 · Edward Snowden says 'the most powerful institutions in society have become the least accountable' Published Mon, Nov 4 2019 4:32 PM EST Updated Tue, Nov 5 2019 3:08 PM EST Ryan Browne @Ryan_Browne_ Jun 04, 2018 · National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden blew the lid off U.S. government surveillance methods five years ago, but intelligence chiefs complain that revelations from the trove of classified documents he disclosed are still trickling out. Jun 02, 2017 · Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he believes former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden was wrong to leak U.S. spy secrets, but is no traitor. Snowden, 33, was given Jun 10, 2013 · Edward Snowden might never live in the U.S. as a free man again after leaking secrets about a U.S. surveillance program

Jun 09, 2013

Jun 02, 2017 US expects fallout from Snowden leaks for years to come

Notorious leaker Edward Snowden ripped into former President Barack Obama, arguing that he was hypocritical on mass surveillance and made the issue worse under his administration.

The Latest Snowden Leak Is Devastating to NSA Defenders Jul 07, 2014 Snowden’s leaks were ‘public service’ – former US Attorney Former Attorney General Eric Holder, who first wanted to see whistleblower Edward Snowden put in prison, now says the ex-NSA contractor did a “public service” by sparking a debate on government surveillance, but still insists Snowden should face trial. Putin says Edward Snowden was wrong to leak US secrets Jun 02, 2017